button docs


A graphical element that indicates interactivity.

Published Last updated: 4.0.0 Change log NPM
Twig Usage
  {% include '@bolt-elements-button/button.twig' with {
  content: 'This is a button',
  attributes: {
    type: 'submit'
} only %}
Note: when assigning component props as HTML attributes on a web component, make sure to use kebab-case.
Prop Name Description Type Default Value Option(s)

A Drupal-style attributes object with extra attributes to append to this component.

content *

Content of the button.


Append an icon before the button content. Icon component is recommended. However, <img> elements are also acceptable.


Append an icon after the button content. Icon component is recommended. However, <img> elements are also acceptable.


Append an icon to the button content and visually hide the text content. This prop trumps icon_before and icon_after.


Style the button appropriately based on information hierarchy.

string primary
  • primary , secondary , tertiary , transparent

Control the font-size and padding of the button.

string medium
  • xsmall , small , medium , large

Control the border radius of the button.

string small
  • small , large , full

Control the display of the button.

string inline
  • inline , block , inline@from-small
Install Install
  npm install @bolt/elements-button
Dependencies @bolt/components-icon @bolt/core-v3.x @bolt/lazy-queue


Basic Button A button is generally an inline interactive graphical element. Its main purpose is to help the user perform a function (sometimes navigate). <button class="e-bolt-button"> is acceptable at rendering a button, though the Twig template is the recommended usage for Drupal. Important Notes: Only text should be passed to the content prop. However, <span>, <em>, and <strong> elements can be used. Button element is a replacement for the Button component. Demo
{% include '@bolt-elements-button/button.twig' with { content: 'This is a button', attributes: { type: 'button' } } only %}
<button type="button" class="e-bolt-button">This is a button</button>

button attributes

HTML Attributes for Button Depending on if the <a> element or the <button> element is being used, the proper HTML attributes should be passed. Important Notes: <a> requires the href attribute. <button> requires the type attribute. Demo This button has the "href", "target", and "id" attributes
// <button> {% include '@bolt-elements-button/button.twig' with { content: 'This button has the "type" attribute', attributes: { type: 'submit', } } only %} // <a> {% include '@bolt-elements-button/button.twig' with { content: 'This button has the "href", "target", and "id" attributes', attributes: { href: 'https://pega.com', target: '_blank', id: 'js-bolt-some-unique-id' } } only %}
<a href="https://pega.com" target="_blank" id="js-bolt-some-unique-id" class="e-bolt-button">This button has the "href", "target", and "id" attributes</a>

button with icon

Button with Icon Icons can be used in tandem with a button. An icon can be placed before and/or after the button text. The icon component is recommended for appending icons. However, an <img> element is also acceptable. Important Notes: Icons are set inline with text so icon size will grow or shrink with text size. The size and background props for the icon component are not well supported in this scenario. When writing in plain HTML, all white space must be eliminated to have the icon display correctly next to text (in terms of spacing and wrapping). The markup must be written all in one line and spaces between HTML elements must be removed. When writing in plain HTML, <span class="e-bolt-button__icon-before"> and <span class="e-bolt-button__icon-after"> are required to wrap around the icon markup. The wrapper ensures that the icon will always wrap with the final word of the text. It will never wrap to the next line on its own. Demo

// Icon vars {% set icon_custom %} <img src="/images/placeholders/500x500.jpg"> {% endset %} {% set icon_chevron_down %} {% include '@bolt-components-icon/icon.twig' with { name: 'chevron-down', } only %} {% endset %} // Button include {% include '@bolt-elements-button/button.twig' with { content: 'This is a button with icons before and after', icon_before: icon_custom, icon_after: icon_chevron_down, attributes: { type: 'button' } } only %}
<button type="button" class="e-bolt-button"><span class="e-bolt-button__icon-before"><img src="/images/placeholders/500x500.jpg"></span>This is a button with icons before and after<span class="e-bolt-button__icon-after"><bolt-icon name="chevron-down"></bolt-icon></span></button>

button with icon only

Icon Only Button Icon only button visually hides the text content of the button. Such a button should be used sparingly and only in places where screen real estate is a concern. Important Notes: It is recommended that icon only buttons to be used in tandem with tooltip to give the user more context about the button’s function. When writing in plain HTML, aria-label is required to render the button text. For example: <button type="button" class="e-bolt-button e-bolt-button--icon-only" aria-label="Download">. Text should not be used inside the button when using aria-label. When writing in plain HTML, <span class="e-bolt-button__icon-center"> is required to wrap around the icon markup. The wrapper ensures that the icon will always center within the button. Demo File size: 25MB Add another row
// Icon only button combined with tooltip {% set icon_download %} {% include '@bolt-components-icon/icon.twig' with { name: 'download', } only %} {% endset %} {% set tooltip_trigger %} {% include '@bolt-elements-button/button.twig' with { content: 'Download', icon_only: icon_download, attributes: { type: 'button' } } only %} {% endset %} {% include '@bolt-components-tooltip/tooltip.twig' with { trigger: tooltip_trigger, content: 'File size: 25MB', } only %}
// Icon only button combined with tooltip <bolt-tooltip> <button type="button" class="e-bolt-button e-bolt-button--icon-only" aria-label="Download"> <span class="e-bolt-button__icon-center"><bolt-icon name="download"></bolt-icon></span> </button> <span slot="content">File size: 25MB</span> </bolt-tooltip>

button hierarchy

Button Hierarchy A button can be assigned to various levels of the content hierarchy based on the information architecture of the layout. Important Notes: Transparent button is the lowest in the hierarchy level. This style has the lowest affordances and it should NEVER be used alone. Always pair it with a primary, secondary, or tertiary button. Demo
{% include '@bolt-elements-button/button.twig' with { content: 'This is a secondary button', hierarchy: 'secondary', attributes: { type: 'button' } } only %}
<button type="button" class="e-bolt-button e-bolt-button--secondary">This is a secondary button</button>

button size

Button Size A button’s size can be modified per use case. Demo
{% include '@bolt-elements-button/button.twig' with { content: 'This is a small button', size: 'small', attributes: { type: 'button' } } only %}
<button type="button" class="e-bolt-button e-bolt-button--small">This is a small button</button>

button border radius

Button Border Radius Rounded buttons are possible with the border_radius prop. Demo
{% include '@bolt-elements-button/button.twig' with { content: 'This is a fully rounded button', border_radius: 'full', attributes: { type: 'button' } } only %}
<button type="button" class="e-bolt-button e-bolt-button--border-radius-full">This is a fully rounded button</button>

button display

Button Display The display of a button can be changed from inline to block (full width), and there is an extra option to make it transform from inline to block at the small breakpoint. Important Notes: When display prop is set to inline@from-small, it means the button is block display below the small breakpoint, and transform to inline display from small breakpoint and up. Resize the browser to see the demo below. Demo
{% include '@bolt-elements-button/button.twig' with { content: 'This is a full width button', display: 'block', attributes: { type: 'button' } } only %}
<button type="button" class="e-bolt-button e-bolt-button--block">This is a full width button</button>

button upload

Upload Button The button classes can also be used on a file input. Important Notes: This is an advanced use case and the Twig template does not support this. Hierarchy should be set to tertiary. Size should be set to small. Demo
Not available in Twig. Please use plain HTML.
<input id="unique-file-id" type="file" class="e-bolt-button e-bolt-button--small e-bolt-button--tertiary">